Your ordinary life makes an extraordinary difference.
You are Rocking Ordinary.
Can your everyday life make a difference?
If you admit failures and discouragement, can God still use you?
If you are scarred from abuse, bullying, or trauma, can God heal you?
If you live an ordinary life, can God use you intentionally in the lives of others?
You probably don’t don’t consider yourself great.
Stuck in an endless routine of cleaning, cooking, and caring for family members, you struggle to find meaning and worth in your daily life. Exhausted at the end of another busy, chaotic day, you may wonder if you have made any measurable progress, if it even matters, if your work counts. This book talks frankly about real life, ministry failures, and the depressing side of Christian womanhood, but in a humorous way that makes you want to pour coffee all over it and try again. Whether you feel capable or not, whether you feel spiritual or not, you are changing lives.
You are Rocking Ordinary.

Rocking Ordinary.
No matter your past. No matter your present. No matter your fears. No matter your failings.
God wants to use each day to change you, and God wants to use you to change the world.
He wants to use your ordinary to make an extraordinary difference.
Is it possible to use your life to make an extraordinary difference? Yes! Rocking Ordinary is a wonderful reminder to moms who want to know that what they do matters. Even when there are piles of laundry and bills and dishes, what you do impacts all your relationships. Lea Ann offers inspiration and wonderful advice on how to walk through the struggles and find yourself in the arms of an amazing God. What you do matters because you matter to Jesus! This is a beautiful book to read and share with a friend.

Tricia Goyer
Author of 55 books, including Prayers that Changed HistoryYou hold in your hand: hope. You may be saddled with motherly stress, too much month left after the money’s flown from your purse, or the crushing weight of expectations gone amuck. Even so, there is hope, and Lea Ann Garfias has authentically addressed this seemingly scarce commodity.

Mary DeMuth
Author of over 30 books, including We Too.Rocking Ordinary not only addresses insecurities I feel as “just a regular” woman, but also challenges me to reach out of my comfort zone to others.

Sarah Andrews
Homeschool mom and adoption advocateLea Ann Garfias’s gifted teaching and storytelling abilities create a roadmap for those who know their lives count but just need help and encouragement.

Traci Matt
Author and homeschool mom
Meet Lea Ann
A homeschool graduate and homeschooling mother of six, Lea Ann is the author of multiple books, including the Everything You Need to Know About Homeschooling reference guide.