I was so ticked that Abi invited me to her cozy corner in Joy in My Kitchen. Abi and I have a lot in common — a love for homeschooling, adoption, and FOOD! Gotta love her! Pull up a chair and grab a cookie and join our conversation.
Being Ordinary Makes More Difference Than You Know
What has been the most influential book you’ve read? (Besides the Bible – we know that affects all you do!)
You read my mind, LOL! It’s so hard to pick just one, because I’m always reading, and whatever I’m currently reading influences what I’m thinking about. But if I had to narrow it down, I’d have to say Pilgrim’s Progress. I’ve read it several times, abridged and unabridged, as a child and as an adult, for myself and reading aloud to my children, and I’m always struck by the humanness of the story. Christian fails so many times, he’s always facing trials and discouragement and struggles, but ultimately God delivers him from it all. It’s a comfort to know that my failings cannot get in the way of God’s beautiful plan for glorifying Himself through me.
(Abi’s note: The above link is my favorite version for grown-ups; my kids love to hear aloud and pore over on their own Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim’s Progress.)
Tell me about a favorite family-time memory you have.
Oh, my word, I absolutely love our family road trips. We are heading out to Washington D.C. right now, and I’m just giddy with excitement. Every time you put a bunch of Garfiases in a minivan with snacks and a map, there’s going to be hijinks and laughter!
You’re a busy lady with many interests and responsibilities . . . what daily habits do you practice to help contain your chaos?
I have to start with coffee and devotions. It’s a morning ritual I’ve practiced for nearly two decades, and it’s become a part of who I am. If my day starts right, then I have peace that God will accomplish what He wills with the rest of it.
At the end of each day, I look ahead at the next day’s appointments on our packed online family calendar and make a to-do list, thinking about my priorities and what’s most important to tackle and what I should let slide for the sake of sanity. I set out my clothes, tell my children what to expect the next morning, and make sure we have something for supper. Those little chores at night make me feel better prepared to do my best the next day.
Do you have certain family traditions that help keep you all unified and connected?
Those family road trips, obviously! Lol! We get away all together like that about once a year, and it builds memories, for sure. We are a very busy family, with four soccer-playing musicians, church ministries, my husband’s demanding job and soccer club, and my hectic writing and violin performing schedule. So about once week, we’ll put FAMILY NIGHT on the calendar, and everyone is required to be present for the meal and activity.
My husband and I, though, believe that our marriage is the most important – if we stay connected, we can better lead our children. So we prioritize weekly date night (even if it’s just in our bedroom watching TV with the door locked!) and a yearly weekend romantic get-away.
Come join the rest of the conversation over here.
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