Have you ever wanted to meet a real, live, homeschool graduate? Have you wondered if what you’ve been told is true concerning the product of home education? Do you have burning questions regarding how home ed graduates adjust to life after home, what they do later, and how they look back on their homeschool years?
Your questions can be answered! In a new series, I will be regularly profiling home educated adults from different walks of life. They will talk of their years at home, the way their parents taught them, and what they liked and didn’t like about homeschooling. They will share what they are doing now as adults and how home education prepared them for their work. And, they will answer questions submitted by YOU, the reader!
I am so excited about this series. So many of these people are already encouraging me regularly and contributing meaningfully to the home education community in various forms. Home school grads are also fond of meeting fellow grads; I am ever amazed how many there are in my generation!
So, please help me out in two ways:
1) I need questions that you would like to know. What would you ask an adult who had been taught by his parents? Submit your curiosities, your inquiries, your puzzles, and your myths here or on my facebook page.
2) If you are a homeschool graduate and I have not yet contacted you about participating in this project, please contact me via facebook private message. Also, please pass the word along to other homeschool graduates, too. I am still looking for additional graduates to profile.The graduate’s business would also be advertised.
What a great topic and idea!
Looking forward to this one!