How many learning games do you have that are both fun and educational for all ages of your children? I have found one in Math Facts Fun! From my preschooler just learning to count to my preteen beginning algebra, they all enjoy rolling the dice together and discovering how numbers intertwine. Find out how you can win your own Math Facts Fun set, too, below!
Math Facts Fun is a bingo-style game with several playing variations according to the child’s ability. Level one teaches number recognition; children count the dots on the die and cover the numeral on their playing board with a tiddlywink. Level two begins set skills, as the child counts or adds the amount on two dice. Level three allows adding or subtracting for each play, and levels four through six increase the difficulty with multiplication and division rules and the use of a 12-sided die.
Playing Math Facts Fun is an excellent way to re-enforce multiple math skills: number recognition; sets; addition facts; subtraction facts; multiplication facts; division facts; and fact families. Older students are even introduced to strategy and beginning probability in Levels 4, 5 and 6, in which they choose one math fact out of several possibilities each turn to complete a winning three in a row.
Math Facts Fun comes with very simple instructions, dice, and five game boards (and permission to reproduce them for your family so everyone can play together!). Additional bonus material includes a hundred number chart, multiplication skip-counting charts, a list of prime numbers with an explanation of them, and an introduction to “The Sieve of Eratosthenes.”
Math Facts Fun game and bonus learning materials is a wealth of mathematics educational resources in an enjoyable package all your children will love. It makes an excellent addition to your most trusted math resources and manipulatives for literal math learning.
You can buy Math Facts Fun online from Creative Learning Connection for only $12! Included are the playing boards, dice, bonus materials, and instructions. Math Facts Fun was developed by Catherine Jaime, homeschooling mother of 12 with over 29 years of home education experience. Catherine is the author of over 150 learning products, including lapbooks, unit studies, and games. Most notable are her books and unit studies on Leonardo da Vinci and her resource Sharing Shakespeare with Students. You can contact Catherine Jaime by email.
Here is your opportunity to win your own free Math Facts Fun game! Every day you have an opportunity to post 3 entries below, by simply…
1) Tweeting about the Math Fact Fun giveaway with the link to this page,
2) Posting about the Math Fact Fun giveaway on your facebook page, with a link to this page, and
3) Leaving a comment below, stating how you like to make math fun at your house.
Remember, you can enter up to three times every day from now through Friday, November 5. I will announce the randomly-chosen winner Saturday morning, November 6.
Have fun with Math!
Sounds like a good game.:)
We love board games because all of the children like to sit on the floor and play even when they don’t yet *know* all the answers! It’s fun and excites them more than isolated paper work!
We did “marshmallow math” over the summer with my nephews and sister! The children love making the piles of marshmallows and showing how different combinations of numbers still equal 10. And, of course, they loved “taking one away!” YUM.
We often practice math by setting the table, figuring how old a cousin or friend will be when our daughter is a certain age, or counting toys as we put them away.
My sister shared marshmallow math. That’s Josh’s favorite. Of course, counting all kinds of things. For a while Josh was fascinated by ordinal numbers, so we counted everything that way.
I shared about it on my Facebook page.
I just Posted about the Math Fact Fun giveaway on your facebook page, with a link to this page, and I love teaching math with cars, like addition.
I use three pages. On one page I put 3 cars on top of it, on the second page I put another 3, then I add them all up on the third page. This shows math in a concrete way.
Congratulations, Rebecca! You are the winner!
Thanks so much. I just love teaching the little ones with concrete ways, with actual objects.
Games with math are good for all! The older siblings learn more than they know as they “help” the younger ones learn basic facts! Patience and compassion are being learned when big brother explains to little brother that there is a big difference between 0001 and 1000!
One of the best ways to practice math for us and to have fun while doing it is to “play store” with coupons and money and real products that we have priced ourselves!
we love counting blocks, sips of drinks, bites of treats, etc.! then we decide how many bites/sips/blocks we have left when we’re done!
math is made fun with m&m’s for basic counting 🙂
Shared about your giveaway on my FB page this morning.
Sounds like a really beneficial game!
Since we’ve started learning to read music, we have fun with math by allowing the little ones to count out notes of various kinds. Or we might ask, “How many lines are there in this clef?” “How many spaces?” How many half-notes can you find in this piece? Then we might practice the concept of 1/2 by playing a whole note and a half-note…and then talk about that concept while later making oatmeal raisin cookies and measuring a cup of raisins. The raisins look likes note, too, so that makes for more fun…
This sounds like a good game for my grand children.